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asleep at the wheel -sleep apnea problems

Asleep At The Wheel

Why Sleep Apnea Is Dangerous To Not Just Your Health, but Also Your Daily Life

With more than 80% of those who have sleep apnea being undiagnosed, there is a set of problems with this that most people don’t think about.

We all know that having sleep apnea causes health related issues such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and obesity, but they don’t think about some external problems that it creates.

One of the issues that sleep apnea causes is daytime sleepiness and fatigue. When your body doesn’t get the rest it needs, it cannot heal and repair itself.

It causes your muscles to become tight and fatigued and because your body didn’t get the deep sleep it needs, you find yourself fighting off daytime sleepiness. Your setting at your desk in the middle of the day and yawning when you should be productive.

It’s bad enough to be falling asleep at your desk, but it is even worse when you are yawning and falling asleep behind the wheel of your vehicle.

A 2014 AAA Traffic Safety Foundation study found that 37 percent of drivers report having fallen asleep behind the wheel at some point in their lives. An estimated 21 percent of fatal crashes, 13 percent of crashes resulting in severe injury and 6 percent of all crashes, involve a drowsy driver.

If This Is You, Then Call Us For A Consultation Today 443-535-6989

As you can see from the study above, the percentage of those who have serious injuries and even death from falling asleep at the wheel is to large to ignore.

What’s The Solution

The first thing you need to do is get a sleep study done if you have not had one already. The sleep study will let us know if you even have sleep apnea and the severity of it.

If you don’t know where to get one, then call our office today, and let us help you get moving in the right direction.

After you get a sleep study or if you already have one, then we would love to sit down with you and have a conversation about your test results and then develop a path forward customized to you.

In our office, we treat sleep apnea using oral appliance therapy. This is a custom fitted device that goes in your mouth and holds your lower jaw slightly forward opening your airway and helping you to rest.

There are no hoses or mask. It’s simple and comfortable.

If You Don’t Do Anything, It Will Only Get Worse

Sleep apnea for the most part doesn’t go away. There are some lifestyle changes that can help but many times they don’t “cure” sleep apnea.

We are passionate about helping people who suffer with sleep apnea. Dr. Parmar invites you to give her a call to setup a consultation to get your sleep apnea treated before something unexpected happens to you.

If This Is You, Then Call Us For A Consultation Today 443-535-6989

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