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sleeping better when its hot

Ten Tips For Sleeping Well In A Heatwave

Yes…so bring on longer days that are jam-packed with vacations, busy schedules, staying up late to socialize, plenty of sunshine, and many other adventures!  Hotter temperatures, and the season of super-busy schedules crammed with distractions, can unfortunately make sleep less refreshing and more elusive.

You can, however, find yourself back on track, with a few minor changes, and waking up with all the energy you need to tackle this busy season! So, during the hottest of these sweltry summer nights, help ensure yourself a  good night’s rest by following these tips.

Reduce indoor lights: 

You might consider turning off some inside lights in your home an hour or so before your normal bedtime, in order to darken the environment as the days grow longer, and the outside sunlight begins to shine its’ rays into the living quarters of your home. 

If you are willing and able to make the investment, blackout curtains are a good option to keep out the daylight, but a sleep mask will work just as well.  Either of these options will help to turn back the clock 100’s of years to a time when people would get ready for sleep when it got dark outside.

Before bedtime, avoid “screen time”:

It is important to avoid exposure to electronic device screen light, just prior to bedtime, much in the same vein as dimming inside lights.  Your body can be tricked into thinking it is still daytime, because of the “blue light” that emits from electronic screens. 

A relaxing wind-down ritual such as having a cup of hot tea, or reading a good book can be enjoyed after turning down the lights. 

During the daytime, make sure to hydrate well:

The proper amount of hydration not only plays a key role in your sleeping well at night, but also in how you feel during the daytime.  Even a mild amount of dehydration can leave you parched and dry at night, and prone to snoring, which can disrupt your sleep in a drastic manner. 

However, you can also be troubled during the night time, by waking up repeatedly to use the bathroom, because you drank too much water in the evening hours!  Slowing down your intake of water a couple of hours prior to bedtime, can combat this problem, even after regularly consuming water throughout the day.

During certain parts of the day, avoid caffeine and alcohol:

Caffeine is a stimulant, so it is important to avoid consuming it later in the afternoon, because its’ main function is to keep you alert and awake.   By consuming it only in the morning hours, you are lessening the chances it will keep you from sleeping, since you are allowing your body sufficient metabolization time. 

On the other hand, alcohol metabolizes in your body in a different manner, and reduces the amount of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, even though it initially causes sleepiness.  You can help reduce interrupted sleep time, by ceasing drinking at least 3-4 hours before bedtime, and limiting the amount consumed.

Before bedtime, keep eating to a minimum:

It may be a fun way of summertime socialization, but late-night feasting can affect your quality of sleep.   The release of Melatonin and HGH, important sleep hormones, can be adversely affected by eating late at night.   

The advantage of cooler mornings:

It helps to reset the bodies’ circadian rhythms by getting outside early when it’s cooler.  The early morning sunshine helps eliminate the urge to stay up late, and can help reduce any troubles of falling asleep. 

Then, when you need proper preparation for sleep, and the release of melatonin, this will increase your evening time sleep drive.

Keep your thermostat in the 60’s:

Good productivity is greatly enhanced by a good night’s sleep, so do not stoop to pick up nickels, while passing over dollars by yielding to the temptation to keep your thermostat set in the 70’s.  Make sure to keep the air circulating if you do not have an air conditioner.

Take a shower before bedtime:

Make sure to keep it on the cooler side, since hot showers can make it more difficult to fall asleep by increasing the temperature of your body.  Rinsing off before bedtime not only helps to refresh you as it removes sunscreen, but it can also be relaxing.

A consistent bedtime routine is needed:

Sudden changes in your sleep schedule might disrupt the internal clock of your body, even though it might be tempting to change your normal routine for vacations, and for other weekly activities during the summer. 

Gradual adjusting of the times of your sleeping and waking hours is the way to go. if you must change your sleeping routines.

Use bedding that is breathable:

Be sure to use a lighter blanket than in the other seasons of the year,  because bedding plays an important role in helping your body cool down enough to sleep…especially during the summer.

You should also look for sheets made from natural fibers, like bamboo, microfibers, those with moisture-wicking properties, or lightweight cotton. The type of material used in their composition can make a huge difference!

Following these ten tips can make it an easier process in finding the time  and energy needed to devote to getting a good nights’ sleep, even in the difficult summertime.  It could be a bigger issue than summertime heat that is causing you to have sleep problems, if you are still having trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep.

In order to alleviate sleep loss and the resulting fatigue, conditions like insomnia and sleep apnea must be properly diagnosed and treated.  If you feel like you may need proper diagnosis and treatment, please give us a call.


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