Snoring Is Nature's Alarm Bell
Your Body Is Telling You Something Is Wrong With Your Breathing.

40% of Men Are LOUD Snorers. Your Loud Snoring Could Be A Sign of a Serious Condition Called Sleep Apnea
Stop Snoring
Snoring at a physiological level is the unpleasant sounds created by the vibration of your soft palate (back top portion of mouth) due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The loud sound you hear is due to turbulence- caused by the same amount of air you always breathe being forced through a narrower space like a straw or stirrer rather than a wide hosepipe.
Stop The Snore
- 24% Of Women Are Habitual Snorers
- Snoring is a symptom of a life theatening condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Risk factor for carotid (neck) artery deposit causing stroke
- Bed partner loses sleep
Get Your Life Back

Want To Stop The Snore?
Want to move back into the bedroom? Need HELP? Treat your persistent snoring with Oral Appliance Therapy.
What Is Snoring?
When you are asleep, the muscles that control your tongue and soft palate work together to hold the airway open. If those muscles relax and fall back into the airway, they will partially obstruct or hinder air from passing by. When the air passes over the relaxed tissue when you breathe, it makes a fluttering sound that we have come to know as “Snoring.” We have often laughed at people who snore loudly and make strange noises but the fact is that their snoring could be a sign of a much more serious condition called “Obstructive Sleep Apnea” or OSA.
Snoring is a very common problem in nearly half of all men and about one third of all women. It can put a strain on your relationship with your spouse forcing them to lose sleep at night or even forcing the snorer to sleep in another room.
Not everyone who has sleep apnea snores and not every person who snores has sleep apnea. The biggest sign that you might have sleep apnea is how you feel during the day. You may feel fatigued…extremely tired…or have a hard time concentrating.
If you snore loudly and feel you might have sleep apnea, the first thing you must do is get a sleep study done and get a diagnosis from a certified sleep doctor.
If you need help in taking the next step to getting a restful and restorative nights sleep, call our office today to schedule and appointment with Dr. Parmar at 443-535-6989…you will be glad you did.
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