Oral Appliance Therapy
- Effective
- Small
- Comfortable
- Travel Friendly
- Tolerant Over A Long Term
- Positive Effects To Your Overall Health Due To Consistent Use

For many years, the CPAP, also known as “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure,” has been the gold standard for treating obstructive sleep apnea. The problem is that compliance with CPAP therapy is very low.
Reasons For CPAP Non-Compliance:
These problems have caused many to throw the CPAP machine into the closet or just store it under the bed. Whatever the reason, not getting treatment will lead to not only getting enough rest, but also other health problems that could be life threatening.
That’s right…it’s time to get M.A.D. (Mandibular Advancement Device). What do we mean. There is a treatment for obstructive sleep apnea that much of the public still doesn’t know is available. They have seen forms of it on television with some of the cheap “boil and bites.” These are the stop snoring mouth pieces you have seen where you boil it in hot water and then bite down on it. To be perfectly honest, these devices are not very effective and leave most people disappointed. That’s why you need to get M.A.D.
Oral Appliance Therapy – How Does It Work
The most effective way to treat sleep apnea for those that can’t or want wear the CPAP is what is called a “Mandibular Advancement Device” or MAD. This device is a custom made device that fits comfortably in your mouth and you can talk through it, drink water through it and sleep all night without hoses, electricity, mask and condensation. It really is a total freedom sleep solution that can give you your life back.
It begins with you being aware you have sleep problem that needs attention. You can call for sleep consult or bring your sleep study into our office. Dr. Parmar will guide you if you need to get diagnosed. Call our office if you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and need consult about if you are a candidate for oral appliance therapy or not. Once you determine to move forward with getting the device Latest technology –Xrays are done for evaluation for effective treatment results. Scanning of your teeth is done with latest computer camera and software of your teeth and bite are made in order to have the custom fitted device made just for you.
The Oral Appliance – As Unique As Your Individual Need
Once the device is made and is returned to our office, you will then come in and the process of getting it to fit perfectly for you begins. The way the device works is adjustments are made to it that advances the lower jaw forward so that your airway stays open when you are sleeping. This prevents the soft tissue of the throat from falling back and obstructing your airway. By opening the airway, it also stops the vibration of the soft tissue that causes the sound we know as snoring. If you are looking for alternative to CPAP therapy call our office today at 443-535-6989 to set up a consultation with Dr. Parmar.
Dr. Rashmi Parmar is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. She has received the “Distinguished Dental Sleep Physician Mastery Award.”She is trusted partner of sleep physicians and other medical professionals in Maryland Washington DC Virginia area. Your health is her priority. She has helped thousands of patients preserve health and improve quality of life with effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with Oral Appliance therapy.
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