Ammann Sidhu
Ammann Sidhu has been working in the healthcare industry for 20 years in clinical and administrative roles. She received her B.S. degree at University of Maryland, College Park and her MBA in Health Administration at Questrom School of Business, Boston University. In 2022, she joined Sleep Better Maryland.
While Ammann grew up in Howard County, MD she has lived in several places within the US and also abroad in the Caribbean and London. She enjoys yoga and hiking, knitting, reading, and visiting National Parks. She volunteers as a counselor for a crisis organization

Amy Blakenship
Amy Blankenship has been a cosmetologist for over 10 years. In 2021 she joined Sleep Better Maryland team as medical assistant, serving our patients with a smile.
Amy grew up in Maryland with her family that she is very close with. She has a puppy named Schatzi that she spoils to no end. She enjoys traveling, being outdoors, and being with friends. Thanks.
Rob Strickland, Dental Assistant
Rob joined our office as clinical assistant in March of 2012. He was born in Hawaii, raised in Maryland and currently lives in Columbia, MD. Patients have come to enjoy his caring, kind and genuine attention to making them comfortable with his sense of humor. In his spare time Rob enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching Sci-Fi movies and volunteering at Abiding Savior Church in Columbia for those in need. Rob also enjoys learning about construction through the constant state of remodeling of his house. He is excited about his career and continues to expand his clinical skills by attending continuing education courses through the Maryland State Dental Association and others.
- Certified Dental Assistant through DATS of Columbia
- X-Ray Certified through DANB
Kirit Parmar, Office Manager
Kirit Parmar graduated with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Production, Planning and Operations Research. After completing his Master’s in Precision Engineering from the University of North Carolina, he worked as a computer programmer while assisting Dr. Parmar in her practice as office manager. While working as an Information and Network Manager he decided to use his entrepreneur skills to go out into the business world. He started a manufacturing company and eventually settled into the franchise world of QSR (Quick Serve Restaurants).
Since 1992, Kirit has been assisting and running the business side of the Dental Practice of Dr. Parmar, while attending numerous dental continuing education courses. He loves to ride motorcycles, play tennis, racketball and all outdoor activities. He currently volunteers at his kids schools, the community and also sits on the committee for the Economic Development of Howard County.
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